Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know

Did you know that hundreds of millions of people are exposed to toxic mold every single day? They are usually exposed by touch, breathing or ingestion – and the worst thing about it is they don’t even know it! The mold is a silent and a dangerous threat for us all. The mold can grow behind walls, below floors and sometimes even makes a home in our food. So, what most people don’t understand is that mold can make you very sick sometimes, and in some severe cases – it can even be deadly. Yes, many people underestimate the “real power” of the mold and its side effects on the human body. So, if the growth of mold is undamaged, it can overload and break down your immune system. Is some person suffers from mold toxicity; they are usually left confused and frustrated trying to figure out the root cause of their illness. There are some molds that release poisonous and invisible chemicals, often know as – mycotoxins. These toxins are difficult to kill, but it’s not impossible.

 Well, these invisible chemicals will make their home all around your environment and they will contaminate everything you own, from furniture to your clothes. They usually travel through the body and causing damage to the immune system, your joints, the nervous system and even more. The mycotoxins can change the way you think, the way you feel and even how long you live!

Besides the dangerous invisible chemicals – mycotoxins, the molds can also generate irritants and allergens that can trigger reactions often related to a person’s sensitivities. Take this for example – a study has shown that 25 to 28% of North Americans are genetically predisposed to have problems with water damaged buildings.

What Are The Symptoms of Mold Toxicity?

Well, the biggest problem about this condition is because chronic mold toxicity is repeatedly misdiagnosed because of its collection of symptoms that resemble other diseases and syndromes. So, this condition is usually mistaken and pooled together as: Lyme disease, Celiac disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and even more.

The mold toxicity can cause these health problems:

  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • GI problems/food sensitivities
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Neurocognitive problems
  • Brain Fog/Confusion/Memory loss
  • Mood issues
  • Sleep issues
  • Auto-immune issues
  • Inflammatory problems

And, you should be extra careful if you notice that your immune system is weakened. In this case, certain opportunistic infectious diseases from the mold can even cause serious problems for your lungs, skin, eyes and more.

Where Does Mold Hide?

Well, did you know that almost 50% of the buildings in the United States have water damage? So, there is a good chance you’ve been in the same room with the mold. Mold usually flourishes in damp, poorly ventilated areas. And, it usually starts with a plumbing problem, a leak in your roof or the aftermath of a flood. Actually, the mold can develop in any place where the water travels – underneath the carpet, in wood and poor construction materials. The dirty HVAC units collect dust and moisture, which makes them the perfect environment for mold to grow, even if you don’t have any leak.

And, here is some shocking news. Mold doesn’t just multiply in damp and dark places. Well, some of the toughest strains to grow in dry, arid climates. Besides the environment molds, there are also molds in food as well. Well, foods that contain high amounts of mycotoxins are: grains, nuts, chocolate, coffee and wine. So, if you are too sensitive to mold in your surroundings, then you’re more likely to be to the molds in your food as well.

Every day, we are exposed to pesticides, solvents, chemicals, various bacteria and viruses. And the molds are also one part of the total environmental toxic load which is put in our bodies. And so many things can happen to our bodies when our environments aren’t optimal, making us weak. So, if you wish to have high performance in your everyday tasks, lots of energy and high focus, then eliminating toxic mold exposure from your bodies is critical.

What Do I do Now?

Well, we don’t think that the modern medicine is entirely aware of the mol’s effects on the human body and the symptoms. But, nowadays, the mold researches and conversations are growing and mold is getting more mainstream media coverage. So, if you think that mold is a problem for you and your family, then the best way to fight against this problem is to get informed. And, the good news about this is that once you remove the threat of mold from your surroundings, your body will respond very fast and return to normal.

Test For Mold In Your Environment

The best and most accurate test for mold is the ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index), initially developed by the EPA. Well, they usually take samples from your home, office or any other place you spend your time. So, you should test your space before you do anything, because the mold spores can make the situation even worse.

Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: AnDrew Alvin